
West Hills updated protocols (08/12/2021)

Because of increased risks of COVID-19 transmission due to the Delta Variant, we are adjusting some of our protocols to better minimize risk. We are committed to providing a predictable environment where our stated guidelines are followed and reinforced, so those who come to worship can make an informed decision about attendance and worship free from distractions caused by inconsistent adherence to protocols:

mask wearing

  • Masks required indoors at all times for everyone (above age 2)

  • Proper mask wearing by covering the nose and mouth

  • People speaking or singing up front (who have confirmed their vaccination status with the church office) may remove their mask while speaking or singing

  • Masks outdoors are optional (please adhere to spacing guidelines)


  • Please allow 6 feet of space (3 empty chairs while seated) between household groups

  • Maintain a distance of 6 feet (both indoor + outdoor) while conversing with others


  • We will continue to focus on maximizing ventilation indoors

West Hills COVID-19 Response (03/13/2020)

We are canceling in-person Sunday worship this week, and plan to follow the guidance given to local schools for closure in the weeks to come. We have made this decision prayerfully with input from church staff, our Leadership Team Chair, our ECC conference staff and medical professionals within our congregation. We will continue to discern our congregation’s next steps with the leadership team, and will keep you informed of changes during this rapidly developing situation.

We invite you to join us for a live stream brief worship service this Sunday at 10:30am on Facebook. You do not need a Facebook account to participate.

We recognize that COVID-19 impacts our intergenerational, multiethnic community in different ways and depths. We want you to know you are loved and cared for. James 1:27 says that the true religion God accepts is to look after the widows and orphans in their distress so that we are not polluted by the world. Let us care well for those who are 60+, with physical and mental health concerns, those who are shut-in, single, low-income, pregnant, and parents and children who depend on meals at school or childcare to work. May we have empathy for our Asian sisters and brothers and the xenophobic comments and behaviors they may be experiencing.

We have an opportunity to slow down our pace - to be more present to God, family, our church community, and the needs of our neighbors. Let us not focus on what we cannot do, but what we can do. Let us move our energy from fear and anxiety to rise up as the church that lifts up and liberates by being a community that loves well so that others may experience and know God’s love.

We invite your input as we are working to put together a few tangible ways to love, serve, and care for one another early next week.

If you have urgent needs, please contact your medical professionals and let our pastors/deacons know. Here are a few ways to consider loving one another:

o Look for loving ways to connect with one another that don’t compromise you or other people’s health (phone calls, 1-1s, video calls).
o Continue to reach out and care for our elderly, especially those who are single those with health conditions that are most vulnerable to COVID-19.
o Pray for each other, either on your own or call folks to pray together.
o Check in on those you know who have mental health concerns.
o Practice generosity, patience, and selflessness in shopping, remembering it is “more blessed to give than receive” (Acts 20:35).
o Whenever possible, support small, local businesses.
o Stand up against xenophobic and racist comments and actions, especially against the Asian community.
o Donate money or non-perishable items to the SW Hope Food Pantry drive. WHCC has bins in the Fellowship Hall.

There are a lot of helpful resources available addressing our physical health, but we know this situation also impacts our emotional, relational, and spiritual health. Please consider this list we adapted from Village Church:

o Moderate your intake of excessive news media coverage of COVID-19, especially for those with mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, OCD, and PTSD.
o Connect to the truth that God is our rock and refuge by reading scripture, listening and singing along to songs of praise and prayer.
o Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep and avoid alcohol and drugs.
o Stay connected with people in creative ways, especially if you are shut in. Talk on the phone, over Zoom/FaceTime, or invite people over. Maintain healthy relationships.
o Maintain a sense of hope and positive thinking.

We will continue to closely follow the recommendations of the Oregon Health Authority, our local health professionals, and local leaders.

We grieve the risks, damage and isolation that come from this disease, but we are also eager to see God’s work of love, creatively moving through the life of West Hills Covenant and all God’s people.

You are loved. We love being your pastors.

Pastors Stephanie and Mark Mathis