community groups

We were created to enjoy relationship with God and one another. Meaningful connections are made through Community Groups, and we hope you find a sense of belonging in one of them. The groups below are currently open to new members (click on the name of the host to get connected). If you're interested in starting/leading a new Community Group, contact Pastor Stephanie:

  • ||| BELONGING |||

    We all want to feel like we belong somewhere to someone but it is a common human experience to feel unknown, distrusting, and shy to share who we really are beneath the armor we put on. Over the last number of years, we have had a flood of new, diverse people come to our church who have resonated with what God is doing here and have discerned to call West Hills Covenant Church their church home (or are still checking it out). Because of the pandemic, we have had barriers to connect on deeper levels. It’s our prayer and hope that we can foster authentic relationships and a real community that loves, sees, cares, supports, and believes one another, as God has made us, with empathy, hospitality, and acceptance. We want, for ourselves and others, to know and be known, to love and be loved.

    “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8 (NIV)

    ||| LIFE STORIES |||

    Out of a genuine love, Paul says that not only did he delight in sharing good news with the Thessalonians, but also his very own life because they were so dear to him (NRSV translation). Loving one another is deeply interconnected with loving God (and vice versa). Jesus says that loving one another is the new commandment (John 13:34) and the whole Law and Prophets hang on these TWO commandments to love God and our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:40). This year’s Dinner for Eight, everyone will be invited to share guided 8-minute Life Stories.

    ||| HOW IT WORKS |||

    We know people are busy, but want to encourage you to consider making time to host, facilitate, or attend THREE Dinner for Eights between April 28 - June 14th. We will do our best to place a diverse group of people in groups according to preferences and then let the groups figure out exact times, food, hosting, etc. If you want to be a facilitator, there will be a required training meal with Pastors Mark and Stephanie to prepare you to facilitate, create safe spaces, and share life stories together sometime between April 8 - 27th.

    ||| REGISTER TODAY! |||

    Please sign up soon, it helps us coordinate when people sign up earlier than later.

    Register by Sunday, April 14th